According to previous reports, the internal code of the Qualcomm Snapdragon 865 processor is SM8250. It will be divided into two different versions, codenamed Kona and Huracan. They will support LPDDR5X memory and UFS 3.0 flash storage. But both? Moreover, it’s said there will be an integrated Qualcomm 5G baseband. But the latter will appear only on one of them, while the other won’t come with an integrated baseband. It is rumored that the next generation of Snapdragon 865 processor will be handed over to Samsung OEM. Plus, it will use the latter’s 7nm EUV process. In addition, UBS issued a report saying that Qualcomm will re-use TSMC’s 5nm process node. And this processor is likely to be the successor of the Snapdragon 865 processor, namely the Snapdragon 875 processor.
Looking back at Qualcomm’s generations of Snapdragon processors, it is moving back and forth between TSMC and Samsung. The previous Snapdragon 830, Snapdragon 835, and Snapdragon 845 processors are using Samsung’s 14nm and 10nm process foundries. The 855 processor uses a TSMC foundry.
On August 6, the device codenamed ‘Kona’ appeared on the GeekBench website. Its single-core score is 4,160, and the multi-core score has reached 12,946. That time, it was reported that this processor is the much-rumored Snapdragon 865.
Snapdragon 865 (left) and Snapdragon 855 Plus (right) running points
In fact, in the future, the fabs that can produce 7nm and below (5nm process) are only TSMC and Samsung. The technology and progress of the two companies are different. Of course, vendors like Qualcomm will evaluate various factors to choose a foundry and will move back and forth between factories.
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